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Monday, March 11, 2019

Study Abroad at UW-Platteville


Nhee Vang
     On March 6th, the program coordinator of UW-Platteville Education  Abroad department, Nhee Vang, gave us a presentation on one of the Pre-Professional Days about the importance of studying abroad. Nhee Vang, who has a degree in education, had studied abroad in Japan when he was in college and he loved it. After that the started work as an education abroad program coordinator for universities. 

     Vang encouraged us to go abroad and explore. Because as future educators, we need to have a broader vision in order to teach better. Also, there wouldn’t be as much time for us to go abroad after college. Why not take this chance to discover and learn more.

Exchange Programs

There are many benefits of studying abroad:
  • Life changing experience (transformative)
  • Creates an opportunity for personal and professional development
  • Creates an opportunity to meet and network with new people
  • Develop cultural competency (the ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures)
  • Enhance your area of study (major/minor)
  • Resume/career builder
Education Abroad Programs
     There are three kinds of study aboard program, one is called Education Abroad Programs. They could be winter, summer, semester long or year long. Another one is Exchange Programs. They could be either semester long or year long, but they have less structure and support. The last one is STFL Programs (Short-term faculty led). They are only available during winter or summer. The fact is that about 150 UW-Platteville students go abroad every year through exchange programs, affiliate programs, short-term faculty led programs, and education abroad programs.

     In fact, myself is currently studying abroad in the United States. I truly know the benefits I can get out of it. It’s a different perspective towards many things compare to the life in China. During the presentation, many student audiences came up questions related to the topic and most them showed interest towards the program. I found myself even want to do one of these programs even I’m already studying abroad. I would like to know if I can do my student teaching in China, that way I can save a lot of money.  


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